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Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Bucket List... the important things..

It is the opt-out of "working on your bucket list"... that is, unless you are sitting on that island beach with this bucket by your side!

All joking aside,  I want to share with you's post "The Ultimate Bucket List: 60 Things You Should Do Before You Die". This list is compilation of rewarding experiences;  things which, when mastered, are life changing. Most of the items on the list fit into that PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT bucket list category, such as these two:
Master your Emotions
A definite requirement for my list, as I am often quick to comment.. and not in a positive way, which has gotten me in trouble more than a few times. Working on it!
Acquire Conflict Resolution Skills.
Another skill I lack, as running from conflict is much easier.  What I need is "the ability to resolve disagreements rationally and settle disputes amicably".


Lifehack's list differs from lists full of  EXTRAORDINARY EXPERIENCES, like the number 1 activity on every one's bucket list of  "JUMP OUT OF AN AIRPLANE".... (what?  that IS on my list!)...  Consider:
a 2014 study published in Psychological Science, found that "while extraordinary experiences of the type crammed into bucket lists may be pleasurable in the moment, they can leave us socially worse off in the long run."  


Experts believe that for true satisfaction, we need to have more "meaningful connections with other people" and less "inward-looking acts"  that may possibly lead to "feelings of isolation and disconnection".


So, need to go back to the basics of WHAT is a Bucket List, and ask yourself, "IF I know I will die tomorrow, what would I do today?" Specifically,  IF you had only 24 hours to live, would you spend that time:
  1. getting a tattoo
  2. dying your hair purple
  3. paint each of your toenails a different color
  4. swallow a goldfish whole
  5. ....
You get the picture.  Back to the drawing board... let's add to our Bucket Lists the commandment to: 

CHOOSE to populate your list with things
that REALLY MATTER to you!
... like a bucket of beer..

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