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Friday, September 4, 2015

How many Aphrodisiac foods do YOU enjoy?

  • noun: a food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire.
    • adjective: a thing that causes excitement.

      From a previous post, you may have noticed that I LOVE OYSTERS- especially the oysters from the Gulf Coast..... I just love the taste...  BUT perhaps there is some 'behind the scenes' encouragement?  I certainly would not mind having them served THIS WAY:   

    All kidding aside, I was intrigued reading this list of other aphrodisiacs from a Reader's Digest post, surprisingly most of the food I like to eat (HMMMMmmmm again.....).  How many of these foods do you enjoy?

  • Oysters- confirmed.
  • Chili Peppers - living in NM also, renown for the Hatch Red & Green Chili, of course!
  • Avocados- also a staple for standard west coast cuisine.
  • Chocolate- all my close friends know that I don't go a day without a bite of chocolate!
  • Bananas- I am a regular monkey- even wrote a paper on bananas in college!
  • Honey- well here I am not a big eater- hubby is though!
  • Coffee- I drop the ball here also as I am a green tea drinker.  The report indicates it is the caffeine in coffee that ups the heart rate.
  • Watermelon- well depends on if there is room in the fridge.
  • Pine Nuts- also a product of New Mexico, however I don't eat so strike 3?
  • Arugula- nope.
  • Olive Oil- no, not regularly.
  • Figs- ah, the food of the Garden of Eden.  I didn't know they had that section at my grocery.. Nope.
  • Strawberries.  Yep!  Love!
  • Artichokes-  Nope.
  • Chai Tea- YES!  Has more calories the way I like it than my standard cup of green tea, so don't have it regularly.
  • Pomegranate- have had, but not regularly.  Too hard to eat!
  • Cherries- when in season, always grab a sackful!
  • Pumpkin seeds- these are fun to toast up from our Jack-O-Lanterns.
  • Whipped Cream- hmmmm...  are you suppose to eat it?
How did you do? 
I counted that I regularly eat 10 of these 19 aphrodisiac foods!
YEP, the SPARKS are flying!

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