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Monday, June 1, 2015

The 80/20 principle

The statement: 
20% of your actions drive 
80% of the positive results in your life.

This principle is applicable in business, love, social networking, selling... well, seems like everything!

How to apply this to your life?

Believe it or not, the answer is in DE-CLUTTERING your life!
This means you first need to recognize what part of your day you are wasting from being un-organized, small talk... to having NO PLAN.  As a starting point, for one day track how many minutes you spend on social media, texting, pinning on Pinterest (my timewaster), or checking emails.  Then, really consider how these actions are getting you to your GOAL  (which entails setting a resonable goal!).

Your next step is to
this 80%
that offers only 20% results!

By being more accountable of how you spend your day, you can get better use of your time which is PRICELESS to getting you where you want to be!  Think about it!

I resolve today to be a better GUARDIAN of my time! How about you?

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