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Monday, June 1, 2015


JUNE is such an awesome month... I think because of its association with summer vacation, beaches, bbq's, weddings, concerts....

and with today being June 1, it is a good excuse to make a fresh start.. give yourself a clean slate!

Let's use this month of sunshine, almost half-way through the year, to radiate our own rays of light!

First on my list is to STOP COMPLAINING and to veer towards the opposite camp...


COMPLAINING is easy to do.. and it can be verbal- which affects those around you-  or internal grumbling- which affects your own energy.  Being in a constant state of negativity, drains you. Being around someone who constantly whines drains you.

So let's take 7 days to find 7 Ways to Stop Complaining!

1. The obvious first step is to BE POSITIVE.  How? Try taking a different view on things- seeing the positive in each situation, and accepting that no one or no situation is or can be perfect.
"The best way to interrupt a bad thought
is by saying something positive."   ~Joyce Meyer.

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