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Friday, August 28, 2015

Is it on the LIST?

This is ME...

Being pulled in multiple directions...  multiple businesses and multiple projects...

...the only way to maintain sanity these days is to make a list the night before.

Consider how a TO-DO list helps:

  1. FORGETFUL? With an aging brain- paper doesn't forget!  Sometimes you just need a little help- even ONE word on your list can remind you of a project that is sitting stagnate.
  2. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT?  Again, just making a to-do list can help jump-start an efficient day!  Make it work for you by prioritizing.
  3. SHORT ON TIME? Writing all activities that you need to do allows you to save time; make more efficient use of your time by grouping like activities together ((ie all phone calls, emails, errands run in UPS fashion (in directional order & all right turns!)...)) 
  4. NEED VALIDATION? How liberating is it to mark off a task completed?!  Or, if items are NOT marked off, open your eyes and figure out why and revise and rectify!
  5. NEED A CLEAN SLATE?  YOU have control; each day you make a new list- reorganize it, recreate it, make it work for you! 
I am finding that I put too much on my daily list.. so I end up writing on the new day's list "SEE THURSDAY"!   This is not working!  I need to be more realistic of what I can get accomplished in a day, and create a NEW LIST- of projects, ideas, or make a list for each business.

AND try to remember to MAKE IT A GOOD DAY;
Enjoy what you do, or get on a new boat!

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