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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Oregon Day 6: South to Charleston

Charleston Fisherman's Wharf
Oregon Day 6 we jumped on 101 South, destination Charleston.
Hip-hopping down the coast, we first stopped at Winchester Bay and Umpqua Lighthouse Park.
Arriving at Charleston at lunch time, we walked the docs first, watching people toss out their crabbing cages, marveled at the clear jellyfish in the bay, and took some amazing bay pictures.
On the return trip, we first stopped at Cranberry Sweets Candy Store, where they have samples out for EVERYTHING they sell!  I had my chocolate sugar rush on when we left!
We stopped at an elk refuge- amazing the size of their velvet antlers!
And finally, went to the overlook at Cape Arago, and sighted a whale just of the shore!  Yeah!

Jawbone from a 60' whale

Umpqua lighthouse

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