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Sunday, July 5, 2015

4th of July in Roswell, NM

We have celebrated the 4th of July in various states, but never in southern New Mexico, specifically Roswell- the home of the 1947 Roswell UFO Incidence!  As the town filled up with visitors starting on the 3rd, we joined in the celebrations.

First, we checked out the Roswell Filmfest and Cosmicon- meeting some authors, screenwriters and producers (see more here), then we went to check out the Roswell UFO Festival, including the UFO Festival Light Parade.

The Festival also included an Alien Costume Contest- for humans and pets; I did design Lucy's costume, but just couldn't get it done due to our relocation here.  Always next year- plus now ahead for Halloween for the dog! (which we will celebrate in NOLA).

Roswell can't match the New Orleans' parades, however the 4th of July fireworks show was one of the best I have seen!

Here are a few pics:

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