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Saturday, June 6, 2015

STOP COMPLAINING: Tip 6/7- Be Part of the Solution

Tip 6 of 7 on how to STOP COMPLAINING, is to be Part of the SOLUTION.

 Your housemate doesn't do the dishes...
 Your son used the car and didn't gas up...
 Your lunch mate does not offer to share the tab...

Ready to start complaining about these situations?

I don't know about you, but my complaining persona would likely:
.. do the dishes myself (grumbling about it no doubt)..
.. yell at son and fill up the car myself..
.. don't go out to lunch again with the moocher..

BUT remember, we are trying to curb our complaining and so take a breath...
We don't want to stop at the complaint; we want to move Forward.
Be Part of the Solution.

Ask your housemate to commit to dish schedule.  Ask your son to remind themselves to gas the car (text it!).  Set rules with lunch mates before any food is ordered.

If you are PRO-ACTIVE, then you can prevent problems from occurring, 
and TA-DA.. nothing to complain about!

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