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Thursday, June 4, 2015

STOP COMPLAINING: Tip 4/7- Be Less Judgemental

Tip 4 of 7 on how to STOP COMPLAINING, is to be less JUDGEMENTAL.

How is this related?  Because as you are being JUDGEMENTAL of someone or yourself.. your criticsm easily turns to COMPLAINING.

I love the Urban Dictionary definition of JUDGMENTAL:

  1. A way of making ones self feel better, by hurting others. Usually caused by closed mindedness, and a lack of manners. 
  2. Feeling the right to judge, and doing so. 

So how should you approach this?

  1. BE AWARE when you are being Judgemental- to both yourself and others.  For the rest of the week, just take notice to see if you are indeed passing judgements.
  2. UNDERSTAND: I have always stressed with my son that every person has a story.  So before being critical of someone, try and understand their story by talking with them, or imagining their situation.
  3. ACCEPT: After trying to understand, your next step is to LET GO OF CONTROL and accept it for what it is. 
  4. COMPLIMENT: Opposite of being critical, complimenting yourself and others will give you positive vibes to get thru the day and lower your stress level.
and finally, share a SMILE!

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