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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

It's the LIFE in the years that matter!

Seems I am fighting a continual battle of wasted time...  so here is some great advice!

And here is a strategy to make the LIFE in your years better....
.. have a mindset where you aim to change just one thing in your life each day.
How can you improve? What can you learn? Who can you help?

Now add all these up and you have 365 efforts in one year!

More: according to the Department of Labor, the average American over the age of 15 still has more than 5 hours of free time each day.  SO to make it count: ELIMINATE, DELEGATE, MINIMIZE! gives this advice:
  1. Spend more time with yourself rather than with the needless dramas around you; that is NO hurtful relationships or negative talk.
  2. Spend more time reading instead of watching TV. (no explanation needed on this one)
  3. Spend more time with your family rather than compulsive busyness.
  4. Spend time giving to others rather than pursuing those things we cannot have.  I like their statement on this "we shouldn't be a reservoir, but a river aiding to the flow of life".
  5. Take care of yourself instead of worrying about failures and mistakes; don't worry about things that are not within your control.
  6. Take action instead of procrastinating! There is never a PERFECT TIME.  Make the best use of your time buy going after your true desires. Chase your dreams, because there is never a better time to start than now.
  7. Learn & educate yourself rather than staying in wrong relationships. Don't stagnate! 
  8. Build good habits instead of spending money on wrong choices. 

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