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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Rodeo & Juliet

SINCE we are now entering the month of March, I will start today by announcing the film production of Rodeo & Juliet!

We will be officially in production March 13th, but have been busily working behind the scenes since we arrived in NOLA- scouting locations, talking to film crews, production staff, and of course the most important item- securing the contract for funds and distribution.

Will give brief synopsis later, and you can look for regular blog updates here. The website is in developement:  Cast & Crew will be announced here.

The production company (us) is actively seeking a short-term loan or further investors as we are in a catch-22; the investors require a chain-of-title, sag registration, and application for Lousiana film credit prior to release of first funds.  Thus, we need cash to perform- approximately $10,000. (revised $5000 now!).

If you are interested, we can forward the production agreement & budget, will assure that repayment can and will be made in short-term.  Interest will be paid on your money, as well as an invitation to come on set, or even walk-on screen time!

We are excited about this film and look forward to sharing our adventures in production, directing, & costuming!

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