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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mustache Contest

Goorin Brothers Hat Shop on Magazine Street (just blocks from our house in NOLA), in conjunction with Whistlin Dixie Mustache Wax, had a mustache contest Saturday.  Thadd was stopped in the street and asked to enter... and of course he didn't say no!

Pictured at left are the top 3 winners. From left to right: Thadd, Salvador (owns an oyster wholesale supply company- and we have arranged to supply our crew!), and THIS fellow (name to follow), who performs in a circus!

Each contestant was judged on their mustache PLUS style points.  Normally I would say that Thadd would take the competition by a storm, yet who could compete with this guy (YES he IS walking on glass & laying on a bed of nails WHILE singing!) :

He placed 1st- which had the awesome prize of ANY hat from the hat shop!

Thadd won 2nd, which his awesome prize is a personal suit fitting, from  Luca Falcone, (whose owner told me he will be fitting Al Pacino this week!).

Congratulations to all!

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