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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

100 things.. are you KIDDING?

I came upon the 100 things strategy over a year ago...  and decided it would be cool to achieve.. with EXCEPTIONS of course (first mistake).
Well a year has gone by, and the 'project'  was obviously just an idea implanted in my mind, with no action taken!
Under the plan, each person has 100 items.. so family of 3 = 300... But REALLY.... my pets (three) on their own have 10% of this... so are they allowed 100 items also?!

And then my costuming wardrobe, projects started, projects NOT started... grrrr.. so frustrating!

at least we did set a goal of 2 bins for each area..  so making some progress in achieving that.  Today, it will be a massive purge; may need to take more than one trip to the dump and thrift store!

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