Today I am home packing while the boys are at the Saints Game! They scored two box stadium tickets, courtesy of Sisung Finance! |
Well, my INTENT was one post a day for The 2015 Chapter blog postings.. yet here we are with 2 months left in the year and my post count is 160 (starting January 22 first post). Using 344 as target (due to late January blog start), I am 184 postings shy of my goal.

As I am not a big fan of giving EXCUSES, I won't. However, I will point out QUALITY vs QUANTITY! I do seriously doubt you would want to hear about the day I was ill, possibly from bad oysters, or the struggles we had cleaning up a seasonable beetle attack at the warehouse, or flat tires, burnt cookies.... you get the drift.
While the goal of The 2015 Chapter Blog was to keep connected with friends as we embarked on new journeys, I still am a rather private person and will not air all my dirty laundry!
I would rather you celebrate with me
my successes and good times!
How many days until we set off on a new 2016 adventure?
54 days
7 weeks and 5 days
4,665,600 seconds
77,760 minutes
1296 hours
14.79% of 2015