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Friday, February 27, 2015

LIVE a Better Life, #6

6. Realize that you yourself are enough.
You don’t really need anyone to make you feel good and to start living. So stop waiting for them. That’s just another excuse that keeps you from dealing with things.

There may be a void inside you, but another person won’t fill it. You need to fix your relationship with yourself first – to start loving, appreciating and accepting yourself for the person you are.

Only then will you be able to share your life with someone special, and show him or her what a great individual you are.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

LIVE a Better Life #5

5. Stop worrying about the future.
By constantly thinking about what might happen, you miss out on the present moment, which is where life is happening.

We worry about tomorrow, we fear something bad might happen. We try to predict it, we prepare for everything, and we try to plan our days. But in the end, stuff just happens. And the only thing we can do is enjoy it to the fullest and make the best of it.

Life is full of surprises. And that is a good thing. But by expecting the worst to happen, you complicate life and make it hard. So let go of all those worries and the need to control and predict everything.

Just leave it behind and go with the flow.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

LIVE a Better Life #4

4. Appreciate What You Have:
Grateful people live great lives.

They are thankful each day for what they have. And are so much happier because they focus on the people they love, the opportunities that are everywhere around them, the things they enjoy doing, the time they have, the place they live in, the friends they have, and so on. They smile about everything they own and appreciate what life gives them.


A nephew so sweet,
A nephew so cute,
His adorable charms
You just can't refute.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

LIVE a Better Life, #3


Less STUFF means less to take care of, which = a simpler freer, and ultimately more tranquil life.
But note that STUFF equates to not just material items like clothing, household items, paperwork... but people, lists, habits, and even feelings.

NEGATIVE people- don't need!
Things that keep you 'busy' without purpose- don't need!

Eliminate, Dismiss, Eradicate, Discard, Liquidate = FREEDOM!

Inspiration for this post from "Live a Better Life by Making These 8 Choices" from  this is 3rd choice- stay tuned for 4-8!  image by julian bialowas

Friday, February 20, 2015

LIVE a Better Life, #2

2. Don’t take things too personally.
We tend to overthink every little detail of our days. We think life is unfair when something bad happens. We keep asking ”why” when someone leaves us. We fail and give up.

But you need to understand that stuff like that shouldn’t be taken personally. People leave, they argue or are mean because they have their own problems, are misunderstood or just don’t need you anymore. It’s not your fault.

You make mistakes and fail, yes. And the beauty of it is that you get to try again, but be more experienced and confident this time. That’s how leaders are created. No one succeeds from scratch.

And you may meet bad people, may end up in awkward situations, things may be taken from you, and you may lose a lot. But life has limits too. Don’t expect too much from it. Learn how to move on and keep working on the things you believe in.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

LIVE a Better Life #1

I get a daily email from and really enjoyed the post "Live a Better Life by Making These 8 Choices", so here is the first choice:

1. Let go of the Past. 
Memories are fine, but when we are fixated on the past and/or much to the chagrin of  friends and family, constantly rehashing what happened, we cheat ourselves for enjoying the present. 
LEAVE it behind- our lives are not equipped with a 'rewind' button.
LEARN from it-  Johnny Cash said: "You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space."
MOVE ON, stronger than before!  George Washington said: "We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience."
"Great things are waiting for you out there"

And more Carnival...

All 5 remaining days... highlights here.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Mad Men!

While catching flinging beads on St Charles & Peniston Friday night, along comes Bryan Batt walking on the sidewalk (best known for portraying Salvatore Romano on Mad Men).  As often happens, Thadd in his cowboy hat and boots looks familiar or something, and Bryan stopped and shook our hands!  Being new to this city, I asked him how he was enjoying Mardi Gras, and he said "I am from here!"  Born and raised in NOLA, graduate of Tulane, and owns a home decor business on Magazine, Hazelnut. 

Thanks for stopping, Bryan!

UPDATE: more parade celebrities: found myself fighting for beads next to Steven Weber and his family, and also CCH Pounder! 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Mardi Gras Obama

WHAT do you think New Orleans thinks of Obama?

Biking Mardi Gras Style!

Caught this be-beaded bike outside the Blind Pelican ($3 dozen raw oysters, happy hour!)


For half of my life I have lived at 3500 elevation, or highest at 7400 while residing in Santa Fe, so being at sea level is new!
A Plus to my new elevation is I can currently outdrink anyone, and we all have more energy.

Negative- water takes longer to boil so my tea takes longer!

Our house is at 42' above sea level!

Monday, February 9, 2015


JUST after I told the boys how to say CRAWFISH... my accent kicked in and I was overheard at the bar calling them 'crayfish'.... big OPPS!  
The boys ate 1 pound each while I enjoyed some seafood gumbo, at Frankie & Johnny's

MORE Mardi Gras Parades

Sunday are all afternoon parades.  Our friends set up at an intersection with food, drinks, chairs.. beautiful day!  We scored some great throws! (Even Lucy got a throw!)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Algiers Ferry

Staying on west bank of the Mississippi, so took the ferry over to downtown events.

Our New Place

We finally settled on a new abode...  it had the most of the options we sought- Location, parking, size, security, patio, and no sign of cock roaches which seem to be prevalent in these older homes.  It is a double camel-back unit.
Dropped of a few things today; official move-in date is Tuesday.

Visitors welcome!  Can promise you lots of fun! And cheaper than a motel room!  Private room, shared bath, personal tour of the city- just $50 per night! :) Seriously... city living is expensive!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Welcome to New Orleans!

At the Old Point Bar on Algiers Point (directly across the river from Canal).
This bar featured in over 40 movies, and has live music every night.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Had some great TX BBQ thanks to friend Tommy, at his place outside of Austin.  

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Watched the game with relatives in Waco, TX.  GREAT game- although not happy with the outcome... :o(.