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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Jean Lafitte National Historic Park

Today we hiked about 3 miles thru the swamps. 

Disapointed that we didn't see any alligators.. but it was a good day!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Audubon Aquarium

The Audobon Aquarium sits right off Canal Street facing the Mississippi River; we explored the aquarium on Christmas Eve... and found Santa feeding the skates! 

The facility wasn't as large as we expected, however the displays about the Mississippi River and the Gulf were informative. 

Here are a few pics.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Can you Can-Can?

In the days when it was scandalous for ladies to show their ankles, the Can-Can was taking Paris by storm!

"The can-can is a high-energy and physically demanding music hall dance, traditionally performed by a chorus line of female dancers who wear costumes with long skirts, petticoats, and black stockings. The main features of the dance are the lifting and manipulation of the skirts, with high kicking and suggestive, provocative body movements. There is a related men's dance done to the same music that involves high kicks, split-jumps, cartwheels, backflips." (see more at Wikipedia)

I love the colors!  When I get time, I am going to make about five skirts!  What color do you want?

I started a Pinterest Board for images- and found a new tool- a collage maker that populates with your pinterest board images!  too easy.  Get the app for chrome- website for company is  Here's my collage: