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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Writing your 'Story'

Inspiring words: "Life is a Story- Make Yours a Bestseller".... 

...but what genre are you creating? Comedy, Drama, Tragedy, Satire, Romance, Tragicomedy?   Would your book be a PAGE TURNER?

My own life path has taken it's share of turns, bumps, and peaks. My book, as yours may also, is ALL genres...  what would your life be like if it was all comedy or all romance...  (besides impossible to happen).

I consider it all a 'learning experience', and look forward to the SECOND ACT (or is it the 3rd or 4th act?!).  And, my family is working hard to create an awesome FINALE and this quote seems to sum that up:

"In life we can have RESULTS or REASONS.
Does your life have RESULTS or does it have REASONS?
                                                                ~Harald Anderson

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