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Saturday, January 31, 2015

On the Road!

The cats have settled into car traveling.. choosing to hang under the seat or occupy a lap... disregarding the back seat area set up for them with the dog... my car is truly the pet mobile! Fortunately for now their winter coats are staying intact....  but not for long!
Lucy... just chillin' in the back seat!

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Pack Wrap-up

One U-haul packed with items set to reside in Roswell, and the second U-haul started, destination NOLA, when we realize that what we planned on taking would not fit in the smaller unit. So, it was unloaded and traded for a larger unit... setting us back hours.
We rolled out of Santa Fe late afternoon, arrived in Roswell, set the kitties up at the warehouse for the night, and checked into a hotel.
The next morning, the students once again came to help unload (YEAH!), we reorganized everything, then headed out towards Texas, stopping in Amarillo for the night.
Marathon of Packing & Loading.... over for a week.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

100 things.. are you KIDDING?

I came upon the 100 things strategy over a year ago...  and decided it would be cool to achieve.. with EXCEPTIONS of course (first mistake).
Well a year has gone by, and the 'project'  was obviously just an idea implanted in my mind, with no action taken!
Under the plan, each person has 100 items.. so family of 3 = 300... But REALLY.... my pets (three) on their own have 10% of this... so are they allowed 100 items also?!

And then my costuming wardrobe, projects started, projects NOT started... grrrr.. so frustrating!

at least we did set a goal of 2 bins for each area..  so making some progress in achieving that.  Today, it will be a massive purge; may need to take more than one trip to the dump and thrift store!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Disposable Employees

Are we not all replaceable?
Today I am leaving a job that have been at for 5.5 years... and I know it won't take long that I will be a distant memory.
Adios and thank YOU for the memories!


Part of our years of accumulation from movie production to just plain living will be housed in this warehouse. It will have a second life serving the Eastern NM University Film Department. Furniture, wardrobe, props, equipment to movie scripts...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 2015

A new month, a new year. Time to re-evaluate. Time to plan. Alone this is simple, but with family & relatives, making any change takes planning and determination. Our family of 3 took a good look at our lives, and with the added push of questionable work situations, and new work possibilities beginning to shine brighter, we all decided to make a change. So the plan: give notice at work, downsize our possessions and begin packing. So in the midst of this planning, I thought what fun to document our adventures! Whether successful or not, here it all is..